What you might not be aware of is just how prolific the reported hauntings of this sprawling fortress are. With a history spanning over 1,000 years that includes battle, murder, witchcraft and Plague, it is little wonder that the current building and surrounding grounds are a hotspot for ghost sightings and other paranormal activity.
I began hosting overnight ghost hunt events at Warwick Castle more than 6 years ago and have returned no fewer than 40 times since. Having the opportunity to spend the night within the walls of this foreboding castle in the dead of night with just a handful of other ghost hunters is not only a privilege, but also a daunting prospect. More so, carrying out vigils & séances in some of the most spooky areas of the building including the chapel, undercroft, dungeon and mirror maze, is an experience you don't forget in a hurry.
So, who are the ghosts that roam the Castle?
Well, with literally thousands of deaths on this very site, it is impossible to know how many of those souls still lurk in this place, although there are certainly a few well known 'hauntings'.
Possibly the most infamous is the ghost of Sir Fulke Greville who was gifted the Castle by King James I in 1604 and resided there until his untimely death in 1628. Murdered by his manservant, Ralph Haywood, Greville's ghost is said to haunt the Castle to this day and there have been numerous reported sightings in the area surrounding the Chapel.
During one overnight ghost hunt, another paranormal investigator and myself witnessed a dark, shadowy figure near the external steps to the chapel. Our sightings were a few minutes apart, but when we compared our experiences there were many similarities, despite us being on opposite sides of the courtyard. Could this have been Fulke Greville himself? The truth is, we will never know.
In other areas of the castle, there are reports of the ghost of a female servant, thought to have died in the great fire in 1871 and phantom dogs have been sighted on many occasions near the entrance to Guy's Tower.
The castle has a long history dating back to 1066 and has links with many of the most significant events in English history, including the plot to place Lady Jane Grey on the throne in place of its rightful heir, Queen Mary I, the trial of Joan of Arc, the Gunpowder plot of 1605 and most notably, the War of The Roses which raged for more than 30 years between the house of York (white rose) and the house of Lancaster (red rose).
During one vigil in the 'Kingmaker' area of the undercroft (where the war of the roses is depicted with many waxwork figures), the war was mentioned during a séance while everybody's hands were linked together. Moments later, one gentleman felt a tug on the lapel of his jacket and when the lights were turned on, he discovered that the Poppy which had been pinned to his clothing securely was now lay upon the floor. Was this a coincidence?
If you have ever wondered whether ghosts truly exist or if the paranormal is just something that belongs in Hollywood movies, then Warwick Castle is certainly THE place to find out for yourself.
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