Many of the prophetic visions were described in symbolic terms, making it harder to decipher. That's where many, throughout the ages, were to give up on even trying interpreting the meaning. But in recent times they have been decoded and the results are quite amazing.
It makes one wonder how much control we have over our own destiny when we see the accuracy of things that were foretold in the past that have subsequently happened throughout the ages up to this current time. It appears to have all been preordained. Even as we read these lines, our future seems to be mapped out for us.
If you're familiar with the Rapture and the Bible, you will likely be shocked at what you're about to read. If you're non-religious and never looked at the Bible, you'll be amazed at some of the prophecies it contains relating to our future. Either way, be warned, this is a different viewpoint to traditional interpretation.
One of the first terms we're going to look at is the word Angel. What does Angel mean? In Greek, the meaning of the name Angel is "messenger". The word has generally been interpreted as a Being that is not of this Earth, a heavenly Being with extraordinary powers.
Now if we look at the term extraterrestrial, the word strikes fear in many, disbelief in others and sometimes acceptance to a few. The word extraterrestrial simply means something above or beyond this terrestrial plane, often portrayed as having extraordinary or superhuman powers. A simple comparison of the two descriptions shows that the two terms can be interchangeable. Some might argue that extraterrestrials, or the notion of extraterrestrials is unproven, but the same argument could be said about angels.
If we look at earlier civilizations on this planet, which I think we would all agree were primitive in comparison with our modern age, the appearance of other-worldly Beings with extraordinary powers would seem phenomenal. These super human Beings coming down from heaven (the sky), would appear as gods, or God's messengers. To these earlier people, who had no knowledge of such things, these occurrences would appear to be miracles.
Now when we consider biblical quotations in that light, where angel is interchangeable with extraterrestrial and heaven with sky, we start to get a different picture about what these prophecies are showing. The whole purpose of this exercise is to look at biblical prophecy in a different light, so we're going to be quoting a lot from the Bible, particularly from the King James version to get the original translation. This is likely to be a double-edged sword, where those who are not religiously minded might take exception and those who are religiously minded might take offence.
All I ask is that you persevere and keep an open mind.
Having a keen interest in prophecy and visions, as recorded in various sources throughout the ages, the author looks at prophetic visions from the most well-known reference, the Bible, particularly from Daniel and Revelations. Viewing these from an independent perspective, the interpretation is different from the traditional viewpoint and will challenge some readers. The result is covered in a series of blogs titled Rapture Bible Prophecy
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