5 Ways Of Improving The Quality Of Your 3D Prints

5 Ways Of Improving The Quality Of Your 3D Prints

5 Ways Of Improving The Quality Of Your 3D Prints - 3D printers allow you to see all the angles of your product. While 3D printers are known to give high quality prints, this isn't always the case. The cool thing is that you can improve the printing quality of your machine if you aren't satisfied with it. Here is a guide on how to go about it:

1. Get a high quality machine

In most cases the poor quality of your prints is due to a poor, cheap printing machine. There is nothing that you can do to improve the quality of the prints other than replacing your current machine with a new one. Older machines also give poor quality prints. If you aren't sure of whether you should replace your machine, ask a professional to help you out.

2. Center the build plate

The center area of the build plate maintains the set build temperature while the edges of the plate get cold. The center is also wrapped and accurately leveled. Since the edges of the plates get cold with time, prints made at the edges are usually warped. To avoid this you should place the printing parts at the center of the build plate.

3. Install pads

If you have been using 3D printers, you must know that warping is one of the major problems with 3D printing. When you are able to prevent it, you will greatly improve the quality of your prints. One of the ways of combating warping is adding little pads on the areas where warping occurs. You can use any size and shape of pads, but experts recommend that you use pads that are at least 100mm in diameter and 1-2 layers thick.

4. Make use of ABS glue

ABS glue has many applications including:

1. Improving the surface finish of your prints. You only need to print out your item and dip it into the glue
2. Mending cracks on your items. This is when you don't want to reprint or redesign your material
3. Bonding small parts together in order to create intricate or larger parts.

To prepare the glue you need to mix ABS and acetone. There is no perfect ratio at which you should mix the two. Use less ABS to make a thinner solution. For a thicker solution use more ABS. Thicker solution is important when you want to bond or mend parts.

5. Tighten the drive belt
When the printing machine has worked for sometime, it's common for the drive belt to get loose. This results to the dimensions of your prints getting smaller than they should. The sides of the round object also tend to be flat.

To fix this problem and improve the quality of the prints you should tighten the drive belt. All you need to do is find a puller and fix the belts. If you are unable to tighten it, hire a professional to help you out.

6. Conclusion

These are some of the ways in which you can improve the quality of your 3D prints. When buying the printer ensure that you buy it from a reputable store.

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