8 Healthy Eating Tips to Live By

8 Healthy Eating Tips to Live By

8 Healthy Eating Tips to Live By - Healthy eating isn't as hard as it seems. It's just a matter of knowing which foods are good for you. Don't be surprised how many varieties of tasty foods are actually nutritious. Here are eight healthy eating tips you can live by.

1. Go big on vegetables. Green leafy vegetables are usually the choice of many healthy people because of its high level of fiber, iron and vitamins. But you can't really go wrong with any type of vegetable. Just don't overcook them. Also, covering vegetables in a ridiculous amount of cheese, ketchup or unhealthy sauce defeats the purpose of eating them for health reason.

2. Fill up with fruits. Similar to vegetables, there are countless varieties of fruits with different levels of nutrients you can choose from. Berries like blue berries and strawberries have antioxidant properties. Oranges, grapefruits and apples are good sources of vitamin C and fiber. Even the more exotic ones like mangosteen and papaya provide essential nutrients. Fruits can be great for snacks and desserts.

3. Lean on meat. Protein is an important part of a healthy diet. And meat is a great protein source. So meat lovers who want to be healthier can rejoice. It's actually okay to eat meat, the lean ones, of course. Top sirloin, sirloin tip side and eye of round are lean steak cuts. Chicken and turkey breast are also good choices, just remove the skin.

4. Keep it whole. Carbohydrates are essential parts of your diet. The body converts it to glucose for energy. The best choice for carbohydrates is whole wheat foods, like whole wheat bread. Keep in mind that multi-grain bread does not necessarily mean its wheat bread. Unless, the label specifically indicates it has whole wheat, it's likely that multi-grain just refers to white bread with additions of two or more grains.

5. Don't be salty. Too much salt can cause a spike in blood pressure, cause kidney stones and other health problems. Season your foods just right so you won't have to use salt on the table. Also, look at food labels before buying them. In the label, you can identify salt as sodium.

6. Fish be with you. Fish, like meat, has a good amount of protein. Salmon, sardines and mackerel are considered as "oily fish" which is actually good for you. The fish oil, comes in the form of Omega-3 and Omega-6. The polyunsaturated fats, also known as fatty acids, help lower bad cholesterol, maintain blood pressure and promote heart health, among others benefits. Salmon, tuna, cod and other fatty fish also have good amounts of Vitamin D.

7. Water down the toxins. It's cheap, readily available and healthy for you. Water rehydrates, energizes and cleanses your body from toxins. The eight to ten glasses a day isn't actually a rule, but it's a good practice if you feel comfortable drinking that much. If you're one of those people who think water is too bland for their taste, add lemon or orange slices, or even some berries. So you get the benefits of water and fruits in one natural drink.

8. Easy on the sweetness. Reserve the "sweetness" for your loved ones. If you want to have a healthy lifestyle, cut back on sugar. Too much sugar does not lead to diabetes. However, eating too much sugar leads to obesity which is definitely a factor in developing diabetes. If you have a sweet tooth, try to get your fix from fruits. Honey is also another great natural alternative. Should you try sugar substitutes? The verdict is still out on artificial sweeteners, so it's best to avoid them entirely to be safe or just go natural.

Despite being healthy, always remember to eat nutritious foods in moderation. Even the healthiest foods aren't good for you if you overindulge.

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